E-CRF (Electronic Case Report Form)

Log-in details

Upon the approval from the Ethics Committee and the POSE Approval Documentation Coversheet have been sent to the POSE Study team, the principle investigator will be requested to provide the names and e-mail addresses of the data-entering persons for the OpenClinica database to the POSE Study team. Thereafter, the persons will receive their log-in details via e-mail. 

Database Access

You can find the OpenClinica access here: 



  1. POSE Study Data is collected first on paper CRF: “Recruiting centres” should use paper-based case report form and save hard copy
  2. Afterwards, data is transcribed from paper CRF to electronic CRF (OpenClinica) by local staff timely

Important documents for Study conduction

Case report form paper based here

eCRF User Guide here

POSE Glossary here (Please use our glossary, for detailed informations, regarding the Study Visits)

Screening list here

Patient identification log here